Carol Septow

Septow Partners LLC
(773) 720-4324

Carol Septow

Company Bio

Septow Partners is dedicated to helping leadership at creative firms address issues of profitability and growth. Consider a reality where principals are aligned on vision, team members are focused on having an impact for the client, and goal-based engagements enhance margins. Septow Partners offers a new protocol for the next generation of creative communicators who must prove ROI. Using experience gleaned over many years in the industry, Carol Septow helps team members learn about their clients’ business issues and how to focus their talent on delivering programs with the greatest impact. They discover where gaps in perception lie and to identify communication opportunities before design begins. Creative decision-making shifts from how does this look, to why is this important to the client. Creativity meets purpose.

Areas of Expertise

Branding, Content Development, Design Management, Marketing, Strategy