
Navigating Your Creative Business Through Uncharted Territory

Date: Tuesday: June 20, 2023
Where: Online Webinar | Virtual Meeting, New York, NY 10001 | View Map
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Zoom webinar will start promptly)
Cost: 1 free ticket for members, $30.00 for non-members

Entrepreneurs tend to be an optimistic lot. We overestimate the chances of a positive outcome and tend to underestimate risk and negative outcomes. Which is great, but can leave us woefully ill-prepared when the unexpected happens. And the unexpected ALWAYS happens. From recessions to pandemics, it’s not a matter of IF you’ll need to completely reinvent your business on the fly, but WHEN. In this talk, Justine will guide you through a simple framework that supports a growth mindset, builds confidence, and captures paradigm shifting ideas that ensure you come out of any challenge clearer, better, and stronger than ever.

About Justine Clay
Justine Clay is a speaker, writer, business coach and ADHD life coach who has been helping creative entrepreneurs and freelancers build thriving businesses and careers for more than 15 years. With speaking engagements that include Business of Home, Freelancer's Union, Mastered, Brooklyn Public Library, International Culinary Center, and NYNOW, Justine is in her element supporting entrepreneurs at the intersection of creativity, business, and personal growth. With extensive experience and knowledge of the creative industry and a fun, enthusiastic, and relatable style, Justine provides her audience with inspiration, motivation, and practical next steps to move their business or career forward.